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Thesis1 Research 03

Audience map

Interview response from Jing Sun (MFADT 18')

"At the beginning of my thesis, I actually wanted to make something connect math to poetry. Poetry is a well-organized and concrete language. Poets must put a lot of thoughts in every single word. I felt like math and poetry are similar and have some inner connection. As I researched, I found the connection mostly appears in the structure of the language. But for me, the meaning actually matters more. So I tried to deconstruct poetry into words, like deconstruct geometry into points, and let the meanings decide the distances and shapes. So that became my project.

My design question is how to conceptualize a procedure that mirrors how a poem is interpreted. I think my project extends people’s experience of writing or reading a poem. Most people felt that it was a poetic and surprising experience. They could get what was happening after some sentences and started to consider what word is the next. They try to understand and then create, which is what I want them to experience in my project. I want them to be conscious when they interact with the installation. Even though they might get a different connection, it is important to make them think and remember their feeling at that moment. In term of this part, I was satisfied with the final project.

I think a fine art piece should be a strong expression of what I think. I don’t expect the audience can all get my concept or even agree with me. But I hope they can think and leave something in their memory. I remember when I struggled with my concept, a professor said to me that when his eight year old son looked at my project, he didn’t think he could understand anything. But when he reads some poem after, he may remember this experience and it will always stay in his mind when he interpret some poems. It may not change anything, but I think it’s enough.

And the precedents I mentioned in the paper, "On the map" by Stefanie Posavec and "Screen" by Noah Wardrip-Fruin are really inspiring for me."

5 WHYs

  • Why are we losing patience for deep reading?

  • Why is text-based narratives necessary among all the media?

  • Why do my audience need or have interests in such a project?

  • Why should I make it in the form of a game, other than something else?

  • Why does reading habit influence our perception of the truth?

Iterated mind map

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