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MS2 Environment: The Protective Eye


Thinking of environments, we started by analyzing social interactions in public spaces. Verbal harassment and incessant staring are daily instances that females face within both public and private spaces, especially in space like a fitness center. These comments and gestures are usually probed by tight clothing or certain parts of the human figure being exposed.

In this case, we want to call for people's attention of verbal harassment and provide a speculative solution to protect women from being hurt. Thus, we create a wearable tech piece that gives women or anyone who’s a victim of such behavior, the power to control what people see on them.

- GIFs

- Optical illusion

- Blurring effect

We thought about three possible options as a block of the eye sight and did user tests for each option, it turned out that blurring effects is the most effective one.

Conceptual Video

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