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Thesis Prototype 02

The second prototype I made is a new version of “Telephone Game.”

In order to simulate the information transmission model of an online news, I set three stages: Player A will read the original story and abstract it into three sentences; Player B will only read 3 sentences from Player A and abstract them into one sentence; Then Player C will read the sentence from Player B and address three keywords from it.

Testing criteria

  • Players have to read the article on their phone.

  • Player A shouldn’t read the article for longer than three minutes.

  • Players have to type the sentences on their phone.

  • The only information the player will have is from the last player

Story Choose

I wanted to choose a true story which contains conflicts, turning points, and various perspectives. So I decided to choose the same story that I've used for my Major Studio project. I made it into a phone-size image in order to let the users read it through on their phone.

The original news:

A group of Chinese surgeons, doctors and nurses just completed an extremely complex surgery. They were treating a 40-year-old man with a severe work injury. The surgery took more than seven hours and successfully saved his left leg. However, it was the last surgery the surgeons did in the old operating room. For documentation and a memento of the "highly difficult" surgery without food, drink or bathroom visits, with the agreement of the patient, the group of surgeons, doctors and nurses took a selfie together in the operating room after finishing the surgery and posted it on social media. Some of the surgeons weren’t wearing their surgical masks when taking the selfie while several nurses flash celebratory 'V' signs. The relatives of the patient got the selfie as a gift after the surgery and appreciated the doctors. However, the series of 'selfies' were described as an insult to both the patient and the medical profession. The hospital's deputy director, Chen, was sacked and fined three months' salary along with the director, the head anaesthesiologist, the head nurse and all those who appeared in the photographs – who also had to pen self-criticisms.

Some Results

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